From a portable coffee machine for Nespresso capsules (yes, they exist!) To an interactive globe. A dozen useful ideas to give these geeks family travelers on these dates.
1. Personalized travel notebook
Despite all the technological modernities invented so far, I do not know any better way to store the memories of a trip than the traditional, simple and personalized notebook, written by hand. The field notebook is the analog memory of the traveler. And when you open it, a long time later, it is capable of evoking more happy moments than even photographs. You can also customize it with the image, logo or text you want.
2. Case for travelers
It includes those small things that are always so useful but always forgotten: a Power Banks to recharge the phone, an inflatable pillow, a document holder, portable toothbrush, basic kit (bandages, tape, bandages, gauze, scissors, preparation pad, sling, alcohol, scissors), all in a metal box with custom band.
3. Poster with 100 places to visit before dying
An idea of ​​the most original: a poster with 100 mythical places that are covered with a sticker. As you visit them, you remove the sticker and a photo of that place appears. Perfect to envy friends, remember where you have been or hesitate as a great traveler. It's not worth removing it without visiting them, huh?
4. Map of the world to scratch
They have been in the market for a long time, but it seems as if the rock had just discovered them because they are the feeling of the season. Who has not missed the advertising on Instagram of one of these? From the simplest addition to the deluxe, both in two and three dimensions, the pleasure of scratching the sites we have visited is now within everyone's reach.
5. Portable scale
If you are obsessed with shopping during travel with this very useful device, you will put an end to the eternal doubt. How much will my suitcase now weigh? Very practical also to put a break before going to that querencia so yours to empty the closet in the suitcase, "just in case." Of course, a warning from experience: eye with lumbago when lifting bareback a suitcase of 22.5 kilograms.
6. Folding coffee cup
If you are one of the very hypochondriacs with the cleaning of the dishes in the bars or, by dint of watching American series, you insist on drinking a hot coffee in the most different places, this folding cup made with food silicone and with a sealed lid so that Do not pour or the liquid comes out, it will be perfect.,03 €
7. Thermal cartographic bag
Making tourism tires, what are we going to fool ourselves for? What better than to be comforted by the dry heat of a therapeutic thermal bag filled with seeds and with cartographic design to mitigate muscular pains after an exhausting day kicking the city? It is heated for one minute in the microwave and applied to the painful part.
8. A work of art from your photographs
Alicia Aradilla is a Spanish traveler with an incredible artistic talent that captures moments not with photographs, but with drawings. He always travels with his watercolors and brushes, coloring some incredible travel notebooks. But if you send him a photograph of your personal journey, he transforms it into a postcard watercolor that can be the most original gift or memory of your entire traveling life. Makes shipments anywhere.
9. Portable coffee machine
Let's face it: what most misses one on a trip is neither his mother's potato omelet nor the pillow of his bed. It's good coffee! The very coffee growers are (we) in luck. Several models of portable coffee makers for Nespresso capsules already exist in the market. Hallelujah! There are some very simple ones, in which you have to add hot water and do the pressure manually (useful for camping, stays in remote places) to others that carry a rechargeable battery and heat the water themselves, perfect for example for motorhomes, hotels, etc.
10. Mobile modem
Today it is easy to buy a SIM card in any country and replace it with yours to carry data at local prices, but you lose your usual number, which will turn off during the time you are traveling. With this tiny Huawei portable modem to which that local SIM card is attached you avoid that problem (you can still use your same number from Spain) and you also have WiFi for up to 10 devices at the same time. ideal for group or family trips.
11. Interactive Earth Globe
A globe thought as a toy to incite children to travel and to know the world. It has an interactive pen and an app through which you can play by asking questions and linking knowledge about countries, capitals, currencies, languages, curiosities of the territories or their historical and geographical singularities.
12. Case to organize cables
If there is a current torment for a traveler is the issue of cables. Each pileup has its own charger: phones, tablets, camera, video camera, laptop ... A horror! And a nuisance as well as being overweight. The extra kilos does not solve it, but at least this case helps to take them all together, ordered and located.