
Repair RO Water Purifier During Lockdown

Category: Lifestyle


Water is crucial for living a healthy and disease-free life because water participates in almost all the body's functions. But these days the water quality of our nation is not suitable for drinking purposes because of the contamination present in the water. Thus almost all the household uses water purifier to get pure and healthy water.

A water purifier is an electronic device that eliminates all kinds of water contamination present in the water. But being an electronic device, it needs regular repair and maintenance services; otherwise, it will stop functioning. But nowadays we are facing lockdown due to the coronavirus; thus, all the services prohibited. Although in some areas the plumber, water purifier service, electronic services are allowed, still, if you want to repair your RO water purifier, then this post is going to be an ideal guide for you.

Common Issues Occurs In Water Purifier

There are various issues related to water purifiers. Still, here we have listed a few most common water purifier issues due to which you may lose access to pure and healthy water. These conditions can be

  1. Loss Of Water Purifier Functionality
  2. Slow Flow Rate Of Water From Water Purifier
  3. Unpleasant Smell And Bad Taste Of Purified Water
  4. Leakage In Water Purifier System

Loss Of Water Purifier Functionality

In this condition, your water purifier gives no response. This condition may occur due to the various reason, and those reasons are

1. Lack Of Power Supply

Sometimes your water purifier does not receive electrical current, so it gives no response as it is an electronic device that needs electrical current for the functionality. Your RO water purifier may lose the supply of water purifiers due to the loose electric connections. You can also check that your RO water purifier plug is inserted correctly.

2. Due To The Burning Of SMPT Adaptor

In India, most of the households experience high voltage fluctuation, and due to this, your SMPT, i.e., Switch Mode Power Supply, may get burned. If your water purifier SMPT adaptor has burned, then there is no alternative for this. The only option is you need to buy a new SMPT adaptor.

3. Due To Lack Of Input Water Supply

Sometimes your water purifier does not receive input water. Thus it gives no response. In this condition, you need to check the divert valve. If your water purifier diverts valve is switched off, then your RO purifier machine will stop. Thus check for the divert valve. This valve is located near the tap.

4. Due To The Presence Of Air Vacuum Inside The RO System

This condition is very rare, but it may occur due to the loose-fitting. And due to the loose-fitting, your water purifier sucks the air due to which the RO water purifier stopped working. This condition may also occur due to the damaging of the pre-bowl filters. To resolve the issue, you can check for the loose connection and try to create a vacuum environment.

5. Malfunctioning Of The Float Valve

Generally, when the water purifier stops working when the internal storage tank gets full. The float valve present in the water purifier shut off the RO purifier so that the overflowing of the water purifier can be avoided. And when you pour out the water, the water level in the internal storage tank reduces as a result is a start working correctly. If your water purifier float valve is not working correctly, then it may lead to the loss of water purifier functionality.

Slow Flow Rate Of Water Form Water Purifier

If you are experiencing a slow flow rate from your water purifier, then this may be due to the below-listed issues. Thus read it carefully and resolve accordingly.

1. Due To Excess Mud In the RO Filter

If your regular used water has high TDS, then your RO water purifier filters may get foul quickly. This is one of the significant issues for the slow rate of water from the water purifier. Although RO filters are complex and need an expert hand, during the lockdown, you can do it by yourself as well. To wash your RO filter, turn off the water purifier machine and open your pre-filters and wash it properly.

2. Pressure In The Storage Tank

You may experience a slow flow rate due to the pressure inside the water tank. Your water purifier demands for 7-8 psi pressure to flow water. To check the pressure, you need to locate the Schrader valve. This valve is the present bottom side of the tank. Once you find it, remove all water and measure the pressure by using a pressure gauge. If the pressure is less, then add air, but be careful while adding air as adding excess air may lead to the rupture of the air bladder.

3. Rupture Of RO Tank Bladder

If you are getting one cup of water at the average speed, then it is the sign of rupture RO tank bladder. But unfortunately, this condition can not be resolved. The only one way is to replace the RO tank bladder.

4. Kink In The Water Purifier

This is also one of the biggest reasons for the slow flow rate of water from the RO system. Thus double-check for the kink present in the water purifier.

5. Temporary Loss Of Water Pressure

This is also one of the biggest causes of the slow flow rate of water from the water. But this condition does not need any attention because most of the time it recovers by itself.

Unpleasant Smell And Bad Taste Of Water

Sometimes this condition may occur due to the mud deposition in the pre-filters and storage tank. Thus if you are experiencing this condition, then you can turn off the RO system and wash your pre-filter and storage tank. In a few cases, ants enter the storage tank, which also changes the taste of the purified water. Thus washing of pre-filters and storage tanks may help you to get rid of this condition.

Leakage In The Water Purifier

Leakage in the water purifier may occur due to the loose connections and damaging of the RO filters. The first condition can be resolved quickly at home, but in case of damage RO filters, you need an expert RO service engineer. To fix this condition, check for the loose connections carefully. Also, check if you have high tap water pressure than make sure that the tap is not fully open. For Industrial RO Water Plant Services Contact Us Today

What If Your Water Purifier Do Not Resume Its Functionality?

There are various methods to purify your drinking water without using any water purification device. But among all one of the best and effective one is boiling of water. With the help of sieve (made by using cotton clothes), boiling of water can produce the healthiest water for drinking purposes. Here is the simple step which will help you to get pure water by using cotton clothes and boiling process.

  • Take cotton clothes and create 5-6 layers.
  • Now allow the water to pass through it. The cotton clothes layer will act as a physical barrier, and it will eliminate the physical impurities present in water
  • Collect water in one container and boil it properly for 15-20 minutes
  • Now allow the water to get cool at room temperature
  • After cooling store it in an airtight container and use it for 24 hour

