
Technology advancement has affected every industry and introduced new technologies for bringing convenience. The telemedicine services by healthcare providers have changed the whole scenario of healthcare. More doctors are using this service to improve services and make more revenue. It also enables the clinicians to handle more patients than conventional practice.  There is the number of users of mobile apps for telemedicine has doubled in the past decade. People are using mobile applications to avoid visiting hospitals and saving a lot of time.

What do you understand by telemedicine?

Telemedicine includes rendering health-related services using telecommunications and information technology on mobile devices. These services are rendered to the people situated in the far-fetched locations and to people who do not have access to medical services and clinicians in their area. Telemedicine save lots of time and health cost by rendering health services on mobile devices. Healthcare providers are collaborating with the specialist and healthcare institutions for increasing the revenue and expand services.

Use of telemedicine by clinicians

According to a survey, there is a significant rise in the number of clinicians using telemedicine to provide services. It increases flexibility and becoming a source for excess revenue. The clinicians are using telemedicine to reach more clients. the following points explain the reasons increased use of telemedicine by the clinicians in their practice.

Flexible services:  The telemedicine services help clinicians provide services at flexible timings. The clinicians are able to practice even after their hospitals hours. It also increases their popularity for the increased services. Remote diagnosis is helping people to get medical attention from home without waiting in the hospital rooms.

Increase in the services: This approach of healthcare is becoming popular for increased services and that it is easily available. People are now using mobile applications to avail services from their home.

Utilization of time: The reduction in the number of no show meeting and cancellations save lots of time of the clinicians and enable them to see more patients. They can manage their time for additional meetings and see more patients. Online video conferencing and remote patient monitoring is an effective way of diagnosing patients from the office at home.

Improved patient care: Using telemedicine increase the quality of care among patients. The patient gets personal attention and can review their meeting with their concerned doctors. They can connect with the clinicians with online video call and messages in case of any questions and queries.

Improved work balance:  The clinicians are preferring telemedicine to improve their services and finding a balance among work life and professional life. It enables the clinicians to see patients after the hospitals hours and provide consultation from their homes. The clients can connect on the message to get instant consultation.

Reason for popularity: The Use of telemedicine in the clinical practice also aids to the rise in the popularity among the parents. The patients will now know, which doctor to contact in case of emergency services. The flexible timing and services can work as a significant feature of the doctors and gain popularity by word of mouth.

Increased efficiency:  The medical practitioner use telemedicine to render services to patients at their clinics and from home. With the flexible timing and services, they are able to provide consultation to more patients as compared in practicing in the traditional form. With the use of telemedicine, there are fewer cancellations of appointment as online consultation can be provided. It leads to the increased efficiency of clinicians.

More profit: Among all the reason one key reason for adopting telemedicine is the increase in profit. The more customers’ clinicians provide consultation, the more revenue he generates. The clinicians have the facility to provide consultation after the office hours and help in adding more revenue to their income.

The popularity of telemedicine is increasing rapidly. More and more doctors are using telemedicine service to provide services with reduced cost and flexible timings.  The horizon of services rendered with telemedicine is also increasing and gaining popularity among the patients. There are more pros of using these services for both patients as well as providers.

